Your Life As An Adventurer

6 Adventurer Habits to Transform Your Life!


If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it’s lethal.

Paulo Coelho

6 Adventurer's Habits You Need for Your Own Life's Journey

1) Enjoying the Journey

Here's a secret: adventurers rarely have a "final destination." 

It's all about savoring the journey.

They're like photographers who don't chase the million-dollar shot but find joy in capturing life's little moments - as often as they can.

It's about enjoying the process, making small, consistent changes, and finding beauty along the way.

Stressing over the "perfect shot" is out; embracing the journey is in.

Ironically, that's often when you stumble upon life's million-dollar snapshots.

2) Staying Curious

"The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out" (Proverbs 18:15 NIV).

Adventurers maintain a childlike curiosity.

They ask 'why' more than a three-year-old — and that's saying something.

They start sentences with 'I wonder why…' and aren't satisfied with surface-level answers.

They're the ones Googling, diving into books, and forever seeking to learn.

Because who knows?

The next 'I wonder why...' could lead to the most extraordinary discovery of their lives.

No. 3 - Being Open to New Experiences

Adventurers shake things up.

Did you know most people sit in the same church seat every time?

We're creatures of habit, but habits breed comfort zones.

Adventurers challenge that. 

They're outside, putting their faith into action, trying new foods, sparking conversations with strangers, and maybe even flipping through a different Bible translation.

It's not about being restless; it's about the thrill of new experiences.

If you're feeling stuck, do something new, or do something old in a new way.

It's a game-changer.

No. 4 - They are comfortable with risk

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9 NIV)

Adventurers understand that life without risk is like an unseasoned meal — it might sustain you, but it's utterly unremarkable.

They push boundaries, not recklessly, but with a faith-driven boldness.

The greatest risk in life? Regret.

So, what's your Jordan River, and what's keeping you from taking that first step of faith - I believe that waters still part…

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No. 5 - Being a Problem Solver

The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge..." (Proverbs 18:15 NIV)

Adventurers ask, 'How can I...?' or 'How could God...?'

They're aware that 'I can’t' blocks creativity and their ability to solve problems.

But turning 'I can’t' into ‘How can’ invites wisdom and hope to have a say.

It's also an expression of faith, believing that for every 'I can’t,' God has a 'But I can.'

No. 6 - Documenting, Sharing, and Reflecting on Your Journey

Adventurers are storytellers.

They don’t just live; they document, share, and reflect.

It's not about bragging but about seeing where they've been, understanding what they've learned, and anticipating where they're heading.

Plus, it's about encouraging others on their journeys.

So, keep a journal, start a blog, or just regularly share with a friend.

Your story is worth telling; your journey is worth remembering - both for you and for them.

Final Thoughts…

  1. Your calling isn’t always a destination

  2. It is found in…

    1. Every curious question

    2. Every new experience

    3. Every risk taken

    4. Every problem tackled, and

    5. Every story shared

  3. It is woven into every fabric of the adventure itself