Struggling with Change

For I am the Lord, I do not change

God - Malachi 3 (MEV)

I hope you’re doing well - it has been a minute. Like everyone, I guess, I occasionally need to work through some stuff to get here again 🙂.

This past week, I’ve been spending time thinking about change and how it is one of the things that we, as humans, truly struggle with.

Whether change is rudely forcing its way into our lives, or we are trying to make a change for the better - change is just hard.

In this issue, I wanted to tackle this topic in hopes we (myself included) can feel better about the process of change.

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✔️ It’s a bird. It’s a plane… Nope… It’s just change
✔️ The _____ of Huckleberry Finn - Embrace it!
✔️ There is ONE who never changes

Miss the previous issue? Check it out…
Doing A Year End Review

Change is our kryptonite

We all want to be Superman (or woman 😉).

To show ourselves strong regardless of what is happening in life.

To take whatever is thrown at us and to succeed in the habit we are looking to break or venture we take on.

But the reality is - change is hard.

When it comes from the outside…

We feel a sense of loss for what was, we are uncomfortable with the uncertainty of what is, and struggle with the challenge of re-visioning what might be.

When it comes from within because we desire to change…

We struggle with the difficulties and friction of attempting something new, we find that it’s easier to just slip back to the old ways of doing things, and it feels like it’s nearly impossible to push through.

So what can we do?

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Embrace the adventure!

A pastor once shared this idea with me.

You can either ride a rollercoaster gripping the bar for dear life, or you can throw your hands up in the air and scream at the top of your lungs - one of these is much more fun…

Whether the changes are coming from within or without…

Focus on what is within your power to do.

Lose your job? - get up, get a shower, beef up that resume, apply for some jobs - may be ones that are a bit out of your wheelhouse.

Trying to quit drinking? - leave that last beer in the fridge and put off drinking it until tomorrow and then tomorrow, tell yourself again that you’ll drink it tomorrow.

When we embrace the adventure - creativity comes in, solutions to hard problems abound, and confidence arises


Because, an adventurer does not know what the day will bring, but he is excited to see whatever it does.

Don’t worry about tomorrow - focus on today - it is the only day you have right now.

My Anchor Holds Within the Veil

At the top of this issue, I quoted Malachi 3:6, “For I am the Lord, I do not change“.

We all know this world is a mess, and to be honest, aren’t we too?

But in all the universe there stands One, who is forever true, who is NOT tossed about by every wind and wave, and on whom we can fully rely.

It is God alone - He NEVER changes, nor does He fail.

Psalm 62:5-8…

My soul, wait silently for God, for my hope is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my refuge; I will not be moved.

In God is my salvation and my glory;
the rock of my strength, and my shelter, is in God.

Trust in Him at all times;
you people, pour out your heart before Him;

God is a shelter for us. Selah



Welcome to Shackle Breakers – helping Christians seeking freedom, purpose, and faith-driven growth, to uncover the chains holding you back - whether doubts, fears, or worldly pressures - to break free, live boldly, and pursue the God-given call in your life. My mission? To embolden you to live a life anchored in Christ's purpose.

Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.