Don't Die For Lack of Self-Discipline


Proverbs 5:22 & 23 (NIV) -

The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast. For lack of discipline they will die, led astray by their own great folly.

I hate this verse.

Seriously, there are times when I think about what this verse means and I hate it. I hate that I suck at self-discipline and self-control. And left unchecked, that it has some harsh consequences.

First, if I'm held captive by my sin - I'm a wicked man. But God... am I really wicked? Often the answer is truly 'yes' - If given the opportunity, with no consequences, and left to my ungodly desires - I would be in fact... be wicked.

Secondly, if I lack self-discipline - I will die and be lost to my foolishness. Ouch God. Then I'm reminded of Luke 12:20 - "You fool! This very night your life will be required of you."

In all seriousness, as harsh as this verse is, it serves to remind me - I cannot allow sin to reign.. that "sin is crouching at your door;", "it desires to have me", "but I must rule over it" (Gen. 4:7).

Could I ask you to share this with some folks?

One for the playlist

For me, this is one of the most impactful videos of strength and victory. It has served to fire me up, to get back up, and to move forward again: "it may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by you" - watch it! save it!

One for the mind

I believe we need a mindset shift...

Embracing self-discipline is not merely a path to achievement, but a testament to our inner strength and character, and honors Christ.

Think of it like forging steel: every challenge faced, every temptation resisted, makes us more resilient, sharper, and unyielding.

It's the foundation upon which empires are built, championships are won, and legacies are created.

Every great leader, athlete, and warrior who's ever lived had one thing in common: an iron-clad discipline that set them apart from the rest.

Conquering sin, mastering your thoughts, doing the work God has placed on your heart and called you to do - no matter how lofty they are - all starts with mastering yourself.

Shut down the excuses...

It's about claiming the victory already won.

True greatness, gentlemen, is forged in the fires of discipline.

One for the heart

Hebrews chapter 11 is often referred to as the "Hall of Faith," and showcases the lives of many who lived with an unwavering commitment and belief in God's promises.

From Abel's righteous offering and Noah's dedication in building the ark, to Abraham's journey into the unknown and Moses' choice to forsake the luxuries of Egypt, each hero's story is a testament to the power of faith coupled with self-discipline.

These champions of old didn't merely believe; they acted upon their convictions, often in the face of immense challenges and against popular opinion.

Their stories echo down to us today, reminding us that genuine faith goes hand-in-hand with disciplined action.

To truly walk in their footsteps, we must put our faith into practice with the same fierce discipline and unwavering commitment they displayed.

For in doing so, we not only honor their legacy but also step into the great purpose and destiny God has set before us.

One for the feet

  1. What work is God calling you to do?

  2. What is one thing you can do today to move toward making that happen?

  3. Pray for God to be your strength.

  4. And then do one thing again tomorrow.